Gordon Inlet

Gordon Inlet is an estuarine inlet, located in the Goldfields-Esperance region of Western Australia. The inlet is at the south west corner of the Fitzgerald River National Park and approximately 15 kilometres (9 mi) north west of the town of Bremer Bay.

The estuary is transient and is quite shallow with a high rate of evaporation so that the estuary often dries out almost completely. The water is saline with salinity levels varying from slightly less than seawater to over four times as saline.

The Gairdner River flows into the inlet and discharges an average of 9,400,000 cubic metres (331,957,867 cu ft) per annum.[1]

The inlet is wave dominated and functions primarily as a result of wave energy. It has a total surface area of 6.4 square kilometres (2 sq mi), the majority of whichis made up of the main basin and the estuary barriers with a small area of salt marsh and intertidal flats. The main seagrass that is found in the estuary is Ruppia maritima.[2]
